Here is Miss Olive just chillin' with Madison at our mommy meeting! We mainly sit around and gab about our topsy turvy lives and the kids squirm and crawl around us. Being a new momma can be such a daunting task sometimes so it's really great to have a network of ladies to question stuff with. Our last meeting was filmed for that Clean House show for the style network. Maybe baby girl can finally make her nationwide debut!

There's Jade with his electric green zebra shorts! He's a little toughie! A tiny steamroller.....though Olive looks like she's getting in some good flexes!

For daddy bear's birthday we went for breakfast at Johnny Reb's. It was deelish! Olive really wanted to know what was going on....

....so I let her sit on my lap and she couldn't believe how much daddy was about to eat! She was super duper jeal-o.

Chicken fried steak!

Grandma Janet came by again from Phoenix and they were so glad to see each other!

time went by too quickly, however and sooner than you'd know it, we were back at the airport.

"Grandma come back!!"

We did all have a nice day at Griffith Park when she was here, though. Teddy showed Olive all the wonders of nature.

While we were there, Olive found a new use for her wrist buddy!

You are so busted!

This was part of Olive's special 4th of July salute.

Don't you just want to hug her like crazy when you look at this?

I can't stand it! I'm gonna go wake her up.........

Olive just LOVES going on strolls through our backstreets! You can tell she's having a good time when she gets straight legs like in this picture. She's carazy about looking up at the trees and cooing. She actually gets a tiny bit mad when we have to go in!

We went to a Kwik-e-mart in Burbank to get some Krusty-o's and Duff beer but all they had was Buzz cola and those gross pink doughnuts. We got a squishee, too. The security guard's dinner was a doughnut and a squishee. His name was Pelon.