This is Cecilia and Olive on her first day of day care! Momma cried and cried. That was a rough day. Olive seemed unphased by the change of scenery. No-we didn't leave Olive in a warehouse full of junk-that's our house! We are making some progress but very slowwwwly. I think Olive is going to enjoy all the climbable mountains of boxes.
Look at how pretty baby girl looked on 7/7/07! She helped host an independence day party at Todd and Elvia's house. It was a perfect day with perfect weather!
What perfect patriotic pals! Everyone was randomly given name tags. Michelle's was STEAMY BEAR and Olive's was FANG. Mom's was BARKY MCBUTTONS and daddy's was BAD NEWS. Olive had mixed feelings about the party.
The hustle and bustle of the crowd got to be a bit much so we took in some quiet time in the record room. She made a friend named Noah who found love at first sight....with her feet! His mouth was all over her hot little tootsies! Thankfully, his teeth hadn't come in yet. Here's evidence that Miss Olive is liking the idea of solid food. She really has her eye on that hot dog! It is pretty perfect looking.......
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