Sunday, February 17, 2008

Valentine's day fashion show!

My little angel is wearing the dress I wore for my very first birthday! It's velvet with a tiny crinoline underneath. Wouldn't it have been great if I made myself a matching dress?

We stayed in on Valentines and Miss Olive gave us the gift of going to sleep early and letting us eat in peace! Truly rare. I made a medium fancy dinner of mostly readymade stuff but I did make a puff pastry ice cream treat that I'm pretty proud of.

All these other dresses were given to Olive by her nina Elvia! She has such perfect taste.....

Even though I got some really precious shots she was actually a bit grumpy throughout this photo sesh. It was also really strange that she was super uninterested in the Valentine I was trying to get her to hold. I bet if it was a bill or an ATM reciept she would have been pleased as punch to play with it.....

I LOVE this dress!
