Baby girl turned 1! We had a tiny party at the cutest little park! It was totally deserted and there were all these pint sized props like this bridge.
It was actually kind of overcast that day and a bit chilly so we both had to wear jeans under our otherwise springy dresses. booo. Madison totally loved hanging out in the fountain! She's kinda crazy about balloons.... ...until they pop! Sadly, all the balloons eventually did explode. Little Torrey kept saying "AWESOME" everytime one popped.
Here's Torrey, Jessamyn, Monique + Albee and tiny Guiliano...The bingo games got quite heated. Just look at the intensity. I have to say that I've noticed a big difference in her energy level and personality at this 1 year milestone. She is SO lively and can really see her becoming her own little person with likes and dislikes and a tiny fire. It's so exciting to see it all firsthand....
Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you.... Here's Andy and Rose, Lena and part of mama Halle. Rose just turned 4! She was wearing the sweetest Paris skyline dress that I had my eye on... Here's goo in a euphoric cupcake haze. In every other picture I looked really stressed cause I've been keeping her away from sugar and I decided to relent for this occasion but I guess my heart wasn't really into starting her down that road. She howled when it was done.
Sweetie pie Theanna and her momma Cynthia. This sweet springy dress was from Dionne and Craigy who have their own bun in the oven!
I don't know if you can tell but Cookie and Christian put this super cutie pie bunny hanky on their present.... ...and inside was a wheelie bug! Olive looks skeptical here but she kinda loves it! I have to hold her on it still cause her feet don't touch the ground yet but it's insanely great! I can't til Olive can have wheelie bug races with Cookie and Christian's new baby, Hana. Cooks popped her out just 2 days after this party!
She went nuts for this cutie dress from Jenny and the gang. It had an ice cream cone embroidered on the front and I think it was from Jen's store, Sirens and Sailors! "Mom, I want to wear this NOW"
Just look at her cringing with happiness at getting this chimey piano from Michelle! The funniest was the audible gasp when she got this wooden wheelie push thing from Cynthia and Theanna! It was like she could not believe that this magic thing was hers!
It was a non stop hit! All in all, it was a great day and Olive had so much fun that she just couldn't be bothered with a nap but you can see a tiny bit of sleepiness in her eyes.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
We had a lovely family day at the Huntington gardens! Goo got a real kick out of it! She sure is nuts for plant life.
I am so in love with her big toothy smile! It's the epitome of genuine happiness. She really likes these water bubbles. The last time we were there she got soaking wet and I couldn't tear her away for the longest time.
I know it looks like he's pinching her but it's really a big ol' ticklefest! I don't know why, but everytime I see Olive eating with all her pals at the day care it totally tugs at my heartstrings. People keep marveling at what a good eater she is. When I see her eat with the other kids, it does seem like she's captain of the clean plate club. She's the second youngest at the day care. All the other kids are 2 years and up so I'm hoping she'll get all accelerated from hanging around the big kids.
Easter day was jam packed with fun. whew. We went over to Jennyand Torrey's house for egg hunting! Here's Olive with her old pal Jade, who happened to be wearing a hat just like his dad! So presh! Goober brought her own special lamb-i-kins easter basket to scoop up some booty!
We kinda had to show her the ropes a little but she took to the huntin'. She seemed to prefer putting the real eggs in her mouth and towards the end had lots of gross dye residue. Neat.
How cute is Madison (Jenny's kid)? Here's Jessamyn showing off her super chocolatey fingers! She walked around for a while like that like they were badges of honor. Olive looks underwhelmed cause she hasn't had any chocolate yet and doesn't know of it's spellbinding qualities. yum
Earlier we'd had brunch at Todd and Elvia's. Goober is holding the bunny I made for her easter basket. There were bubbles in the basket too! She looked crazy adorable in her old timey flour sack romper! Elvia actually gave that to her last year when she was an itsy bitsy thing....
On March 15 was mine and Teddy bear's 5 year anniversary! Can you believe it? Here are 5 of my favorite flowers to commemorate the event. Teddy picked the prettiest ones. We decided to have a quiet family dinner at this restaurant called Polka just down the street from home. It kinda turned into a really stressful evening cause baby girl was on full throttle that night and just couldn't be tamed! She was really going nuts and to make things worse, the place was so tiny that there were no high chairs and it was jam packed and so the service was a little slow and they had these lamps on each table that would get brighter if you tapped them and so of course she was constantly hitting them. Luckily, the wine I ordered came in a big giant goblet and I got tipsy enough to not care after awhile...... Here was Olive's St. Patrick's day celebration. Just hanging with her favorite green buddy.